Monday, March 16, 2009

2005 Laiku

Lime Festival 2005


The green leafy lime
Standing alone in the yard
Waiting to be picked

Lime aroma mixes
With the kitchen cooking smells
My stomach rumbles

Mick C

Luscious limes hang low
Branches heavy waiting droop
Bursting sunshine juice

Slice, grip, squeeze and turn
Ascorbic juice of citrus,
Lime drink down the hatch

Mally C

A figure standing
In a garden of fragrances
Looking for the lime

Thorns detour the cook
Till the lime he seeks to find
Is no longer there

From a few blossoms
On the autumn lime, comes fruit
For the party folk

Mick C (Apologies/acknowledgement to James Hackett)

Lime madness infects
Creative juice flows in bed
Lime dreams invade sleep

Possum magic seeks
Appetising fruit bowl hunt
Bites apple not lime.

Andrea L

Fantasies of lime
Wild wicked and unrestrained
Outrageously lime.

To health and beauty
Drink eat – use all its power
The skin zest juice – LIME

Gerry B


Tea and toast adorn
table set with marmalade
contented a few

“The lemon”

Three men and a beer
One with a pointy chin
follows in the rear.

Lynne D

Plant lime tree in shade
Treat with neglect and disdain
Reap what you sow

Citrus fruit, first bight
Sends shivers up my backbone
Shudders of delight.

Citrus haiku thoughts
Swing gently from my branches
Waiting for harvest

Steve C

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